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Online Service Survey

View live streamed service and archived messages? Share your opinion.

Watch Christ Church online each Sunday
Two-thirds of U.S. adults who regularly stream religious services online or watch them on TV say they are either “extremely satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the services they see. Would online services at Christ Church appeal to you?
View previous services and messages
About half (51%) of those who regularly watch religious services online or on TV say they generally watch these services alone. Would you like the option to visit us online and view sermons that speak to you whenever you want?
Vlogger looking at camera

What's important to you, matters.

How important is access to our live weekend services online, and the ability to watch our archived services anytime, anywhere.
Very unimportantSomewhat unimportantWhatever...Somewhat importantVery important

Thanks for submitting!

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